World War I Podcast
World War I created many of the political, cultural, and economic fault lines of the world today. Produced by the MacArthur Memorial, this podcast explores a wide variety of topics related to World War I.
World War I Podcast
Parker Hitt and American Cryptology in WWI
Between 1914-1917, communications technology, and the way to secure or intercept this kind of traffic, progressed dramatically. When the United States entered WWI in April 1917, it had to quickly catch up in these areas. Remarkably, the Americans made considerable progress by 1918. This success was partly due to Parker Hitt, an innovative Army officer who designed modifications for machine guns but truly excelled at cryptology and at bridging the divide between civilian industry and the Army. To discuss the contributions of Parker Hitt, the World War I Podcast hosted Betsy Rohaly Smoot, author of Parker Hitt: The Father of American Military Cryptology.
Learn more about WWI radio intelligence and cryptology: World War I Radio Intelligence (ww1radiointel.com)
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